
You can work in groups or individually. Your task is

  • to make an Internet research and answer all the questions;
  • to compare national traditions in Russia and in English-speaking countries;
  • to do some extra activities to improve skills in English;
  • to prepare a Christmas speech;
  • to write your own description of a festival popular in our region;
  • to prepare Power Point presentation for our lessons.

 What kind of holidays in Great Britain and the USA do you know?


To answer this question you will need to work in small groups and complete the tasks and assignments designed by your teacher. Read about British holidays here.

1. If you are interested in Christmas read this information.

2. To learn more about Halloween read here.

3. Find some interesting facts about Thanksgiving Day here.

4. Do you believe in love? St.Valentine's Day is your holiday.

5. Are you full of humour? April Fool's Day can give you a lot of fun.

6. Here you can read about Christmas traditions in different countries. 


  What holiday is it?


1. In London people gather to celebrate this holiday in Trafalgar Square.

2. People make up lamps of pumpkins.

3.This holiday means spring, new life after winter, flowers, green trees.

4.On this day everyone opens presents and sits down to the table to have a big dinner.

5.On this day people send a special greeting card to those who they love.

6.People celebrate this holiday to honour Guy Fawkes who wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605.

Queen's Christmas speech

Watch this video and make up your own Christmas speech for your classmates.

Thanksgiving Quiz

Easter and spring crossword


Fill in the table

Fill in the gaps

Fill in the gaps.doc
Microsoft Word Document 29.0 KB

Answer the questions and fill in the table

Compare foreign and Russian festivals and their traditions answering the following questions.
Microsoft Word Document 33.0 KB

Write an essay

You should write an essay "Festivals in our region". Remember the structure of an essay.


Petrova El'vira Alexandrovna,

teacher of English language

of Bondary secondary school,

Tambov region.